Friday, 7 December 2012

Learning Essence to be Added to My Life Juice

Hi all e-mates,

I learnt a lot in this course. When I failed, I kept continuing. After two or three weeks, I felt so much motivated that this course became my priority. I feel in love with the web world tools embedded in the course.

Time was a great constraint for me. I tried best to manage time effectively. When there is a will, there is a way.

I learnt so many new fascinating tools. The more I got absorbed int his novelty, the more layers were opening up. This tech - teach world was amazing. I finished this course with open mindedness, perseverance and confidence.

I tried to become comprehensive and all - inclusive. I tried whatever resources I could. They were fun. Often, they were so enhancing that once I commenced using them, I became a firm believer that I would use them forever in my future academic enterprises.

I kept looking closely for what was to be studied each week. The course page each week offered me a blueprint of my weekly study schedule. Trust me, I enjoyed almost all the suggested reading/links. They would remain in my knowledge treasure forever as precious assets.

I tried to share your idea and opinions, reflections and reviews, experiences and learning. Sometimes, I failed to be so active in discussion due to my Doctorate occupancies. Discussion Threads and Blog Roll proved to be interactive and collaborative platforms that at the end of the course you felt as if I had just arrived at my home town airport after having passed almost two and a half months at University of Oregon itself with all my e-mates all around the world.

In fact, form the discussions and blogs only, I obtained the idea for my Final Project. I tried to incorporate all my learning throughout the course in the final project. My final project has not ended yet. I will keel updating my online course in future, too. I got highly benefited referring the past learners' projects.

Once I started taking interest in the course, all other preferences and priorities got subsidiary. I feel that I have reincarnated as an ICT proficient innovative e - teacher.

I am a staunch supporter of online education. Traditional in-class learning in the brick and mortar classes is also having its own significance  However, I do not hesitate heralding the efficiency, efficiency, productivity and magic meaningfulness of online education.


Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Retrospection with introspection


During this week # 10, I read the LoTi framework and took the LoTi survey. They helped me immensely to assess the level of technology integration into my online teaching and learning expertise.

It helped me to retrospect and introspect the whole process of my online learning and teaching so far: Where I stand exactly on the scale of using technology in my online and hybrid courses, and how much is yet to be active in the ensuing voyage of enhancing my web skills.

I assume that I am operating at the level 4b – Integration: Routine.

Level 4b includes integration of technology as a routine in learning and teaching. In my class, students are fully engaged in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources. I am within my comfort level with promoting an inquiry-based model of teaching that involves students applying their learning to the real world. I promote inquiry-based model of teaching through group work, project completion, assignments preparation (individual and group or pair based). I always emphasize learner-centered strategies. In my class room teaching, I always strike a balance between student centered and teachers centered interactions and collaborations. Maximum weightage is on student centered activities. The ratio of my facilitation and student contribution in my class is generally 60:40, or some time even 70:30 depending upon activities and project. Higher level of student contribution, normally, promotes personal goal setting, self-monitoring, and student action. More focus on student participation and balanced amount of my facilitation increases higher levels of student cognitive processing and in-depth examination of the content.

I try my level best to encourage my students to use digital tools and resources meaningfully and productively because these tools are inherent in my hybrid courses as well as completely online courses. I try both automated feedback and my own feedback to motivate the student enquiries; it effectively answers student-generated questions that dictate the content, process, and products embedded in the learning experience either in my hybrid or online courses.

As I summarized above, I am operating regularly on Level 4b – Integration: Routine. Although I cannot claim that I have been operating at Level 5 – Expansion, I feel that I often use the features which have been mentioned in this category.
Sometimes, my students opt for collaborations extending beyond the classroom employed for authentic student problem-solving and issues resolution. Here, they themselves take the initiatives, so these activities are learner-centered strategies that promote personal goal setting and self-monitoring, student action, and collaborations with other diverse groups using the available digital assets. For example, they prefer to go for peer tutoring. This option might generate some revenue for them (not always). If not, then it cultivates a sense of belonging and fulfillment among them. In addition, I inspire them to do some volunteering work as well.

When they go for peer tutoring, they use digital tools and resources to teach their peers. They answer peer-generated questions that dictate the content, process, and products embedded in the learning experience.
I think the complexity and sophistication of the digital resources and collaboration tools used in such collaborative activities are now commensurate with the diversity, inventiveness, and spontaneity of the teacher and student's experiential-based approach to teaching and learning. Such initiatives also enhance students' level of complex thinking (e.g., analysis, synthesis, evaluation) and in-depth understanding of the content experienced in the classroom.

However, my ultimate goal is to reach at Level 6 – Refinement. When I was doing the final project to be submitted to Robert, I encountered this possibility. My project was to make my online course more interactive and collaborative. As a part of my project, at one step I started two way feedback systems. Here, I had to comment on the learner’s performance so far, and they were expected to give me feedback regarding what they liked and what they did not like in the course, and also how to make the whole course more interactive and collaborative. The whole process was based upon collaborations promoting authentic student problem-solving and issues resolution as a norm. My entire instructional curriculum is learner-based. I modified the course and the content based on the needs of the learners as reflected in their feedbacks including their interests, needs, and/or aspirations. Whole feedback system ans the entire course was supported by unlimited access to the most current digital applications and infrastructure available.

The pervasive use of and access to advanced digital tools and resources provided a medium for information queries, creative problem-solving, student reflection, and/or product development. Students had ready access to and a complete understanding of a vast array of collaboration tools and related resources embedded in the online course itself which were sufficient to accomplish language learning particular task.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

I have fathered an eye catching project

All e-mates,

I am just shuddered to even think of the fact that after the next week, we all will not be in as close touch with all of us as we are now.

This week, Robert shared with me an altogether a novel maxim. He suggested that we all need to be thinking of ways of re-purposing tools, so we can use them in ways that conform to our needs. For example, the surveys can be used for designing quizzes. How wonderful it is even to think in this innovative and exemplary way!  Now onwards, I will initiate in terms of re-purposing web tools.

Exchanging our projects with peers, getting the feedback from peers, and revising and improving them – all of these steps were able to create an organic whole as a part and parcel of an enlightening process.
I am really impressed by the issue which IIdiko has raised in his blog regarding disabled students. If they are learning along with other normal students, then to teach them would be a big challenge for the teacher. However, if the teacher involves them into technology aided activities, then the teacher’s task might be a bit easier. They can, of course, learn according to their own pace and that too with necessary repetitions reconfirming their learning. They can experience supportive and fertile academic environment and can grow as well.

As an online teacher, I have concluded that e-teachers can freely use some activities for visual learners like replacing words with symbols or initials; translating concepts into pictures and diagrams; underlining or highlighting notes or textbooks with different colors; turning visuals back into words; and making and displaying flashcards of key information with words, symbols, and diagrams.

To teach audio learners online will be another challenge for the facilitator. Online teachers can productively use certain activities for the benefits of auditory learners like making the e-learners attending lectures and tutorials; discussing topics with them and inspiring them to discuss the same among the peers; summarizing notes on tape and listening to them; motivating the learner to join a study group or have a "study buddy"; tape recording and hearing lectures;   and talking out loud when recalling information or solving problems.

The online teacher can transform his/her teaching to be more efficient for tactile/ kinesthetic learners by motivating kinesthetic/tactile learners to sit near the instructor in classroom situations; read out loud from textbook and notes; copy key points onto large writing surfaces (i.e. chalkboard or easel board); copy key points using word processing software; listen to audiotapes of notes while exercising,; take in information through field trips, laboratories, trial and error, exhibits, collections, and hands-on examples; put real life examples into notes summary; recall experiments and role-play; and also to use pictures and photographs that illustrate an idea.

To make the online teaching more interactive and collaborative for reading/writing learners or passive learners, the facilitator can motivate them to write important information again and again, read notes silently, organize any diagrams into statements, e-write the ideas and principles in other words and create flashcards of words and concepts that need to be memorized.



Sunday, 25 November 2012

A wonderful voyage to sail through endless ocean of innovations involved in various projects

Hello e-mates,

I passed through painful but productive process of my project, and on the basis of that I am now becoming convinced that the more you make online courses interactive, collaborative and student cantered, the more you get your students motivated, inspired, responsive and responsible.

When I read all other projects I realized the existence of my scantiest knowledge in Academia.  It was wonderful voyage to sail through endless ocean of innovations spread throughout various projects. I have to achieve so many milestones before I sleep.

It was amazing to work with Bernard as my project peer reviewer. Thanks, Bernard!

I tried to explore most of the innovative tools or resources for enhancing learning. Ultimately, I decided to try my hand on surveys. I used Google Docs to create a survey for an online course.

There is strong rationale behind it. As you all know, being an online teacher, I teach a group of online students an English language learning course. At the end of the course, it is essential to retrospect and introspect whatever we learnt or taught. Apart from providing us an utter sense of fulfillment  the surveys offer an opportunity to reflect upon what to do and what not to do in the next course. Student’s feedback is inevitable to get the right sense for chartering out future academic strategies or enterprises. Therefore, I decided to make a survey.

The students also might have the sense of contributing their experiences or perceptions regarding the course through surveys. I have noticed on the basis of past experiences that certain students are actually serious and sincere in providing their feedbacks in the form of filling out surveys. Therefore, I always appreciate surveys, and accommodate the suggestions offered through surveys. An academician’s life should be an open book sharing all academic developments and thoughts with the organic whole of academic fraternity. 
At the end of the course, it is essential to retrospect and introspect whatever we learnt or taught. Student’s feedback is inevitable to get the right sense for chartering out future academic strategies or enterprises. I always appreciate surveys, and accommodate the suggestions offered through surveys.

Surveys enhance learner’s autonomy. They are free to share their learning achievements in built witnesses of drawbacks in a course, and also their past and future expectations.


Saturday, 17 November 2012

"A learner's motivation is a direct result of the sum of interactions with study mates and the teacher"

Project # 6

t is said that the internet is transforming society and shaping the future through chat.

After I made a provision of discussion, some student themselves suggested me to do something so that they feel free to interact and collaborate both synchronously and asynchronously. I asked for the feedback from them only what to do and how to do to solve this issue. One student suggested going for chat provision while another suggested providing a facility of making synchronous live audio – visual calls through Skype. Those learners who were traditional reading and writing learners suggested going for chat while those who were audio visual learners advocated the case for audio visual calls through Skype. I made provision for both of them. I also observed the proceedings or movements there for a few days. Many of the learners started using chat box while few others actually made live calls through Skype. However, the frequency of synchronous or asynchronous chat is higher as compared to the actual Skype calls.

Consequently, I am becoming convinced that the more you make online courses interactive, collaborative and student centered, the more you get your students motivated, inspired, responsive and responsible.   

Having a good discussion is like having riches.

Hello friends,

Eleanor Roosevelt has once said that great mind discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Freedom is hammered out on the anvil of discussion, debate and dissent. Having a good discussion is like having riches.

I got inspired by Nicenet. The discussion threads on Nicenet are interactive, supportive, knowledge-worthy and meaningful. I thought if my students did not interact much on blog, then let me try a new platform for interaction like Nicenet. I made a provision of discussion into my online course believing that it might get the learners motivated as it was my primary aim behind making this provision. Surprisingly, this idea worked well. The learners started asynchronous interactions on the discussion threads. I am really surprised by their ideas and opinions which they share through discussion. Somehow or the other, their access to the course, their regular contribution to the course, their frequency of participation and their rapport with their course mates seem to be increased by making this provision. I think I am going on the right track of providing them more interactive provisions and thereby motivating them to participate and finish the course productively and successfully.


Defining "Blog" is a fool's errand - Project # 4

All e-mates,

I have read this quotation at the beginning of the blog of one my friend. “Blogging is … to writing what extreme sports are to athletics; more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal and more alive. It is in many ways, writing out loud.” Therefore, I decided to add blog to my online course to observe whether it can be helpful to increase the enthusiasm level of my online students. I observed it for three days, but all is not well at this end. Although I informed all of them and made an effort to motivate them to post their reflection on the blog, I do not think they might have liked this new development so much so far. I think they might like the casual conversational tone of a discussion thread, but they might not have liked to post the serous flair of reflections on the blog. I have started believing that blogging is sometimes hard because it is difficult to keep everything on the blog so interesting and relevant.

However, let me have some more days to observe whether the blog can prove a blessing to me to motivate learners or not.


Monday, 12 November 2012

A lot of labor pain

Hi all,

In fact, I posted this piece of reflection on Sunday, November 11, 2012. However, there was some problem with posting, the posting was not according to my expectations. Therefore, I re-typed it and re-posted it. The content is the same, I did not change it. I request to consider it as posted on Sunday, November 11, 2012.instead on Monday, November 12, 2012.

This week I suffered through a lot of labor pain, but the outcome is amazing.

When I was teaching my internship students in Canada, I used Blackboard as an LMS. I had to use some assessment features that were built on Blackboard. Through which I was able to construct different question types. The real charm of these assessments tools was that they provided me an opportunity of sending immediate feedback to my students. When they were graded automatically and scores were logged into the online Grade Center, it helped me a lot as I was teaching a large class, and it was really impossible to assess, grade and send feedback immediately. This helped me a lot to assess student knowledge, estimate student progress, and keep in touch with them continuously.

Blackboard never lets you down. It means that if you miss something to share or inform with the students, never mind. While teaching large classes, I missed few things to be informed to them. Often, there were many sudden developments that were to be informed to the students immediately. I kept on posting so many announcements  so that they were in the know of everything  We teachers can play a very safe role here; no students can escape from any commitment as everything remains posted on Blackboard provided any announcement might have been posted as date restricted. Students can send their assignments through Blackboard  and the teacher can post them back after assessment. Their grades are always there is front of their eyes, so no confusion regarding what they scored in a particular assignment. If they have any doubts or queries  they can post communicate them to us through Blackboard. That really makes everything student centered.

In addition to this, it was mandatory to use online MyFoundationlab exercises through an online vendor named Pearson. It was a fabulous online tool. Everything was teach - based and automatic: starting from registration to final assessment. If it had not been tech-based and  automatic, it would have been impossible for us to track academic progress of so many students. My only duty was to constantly watch their progress, motivate them if they are not performing according to set time line, guide them if they have any confusion, doubts or queries, and finally to grade them based upon their online grades displayed at the end of the whole online course completion. It was a hybrid course including both in-class and on-line components.

Overhead projectors are an immense help to conduct or manage large classes. Everything can be projected on the board through teacher computer and projector including PPT. A large audience can see it, message is audio-visually conveyed to all efficiently, it can motivate the audience to raise questions and teaching can become interactive, collaborative and student centered.

PPT is the life line for all teachers whether for small or big classes. Needless to say that some variations like Prezi also can prove blessings  No matter Tech - savvy or tech - immigrant, almost all teachers love PPT to present to large classes. PPT always aids teachers to address audio and visual learning styles.

Discussions and chats are those two tools through which you can access large or small classes at all times synchronously or asynchronously. They can make teaching and learning interactive, collaborative and student - centered in true sense. Here, the students are real contributors, the teacher's role is just to facilitate the proceedings and also to navigate all communications in the right direction.

I have shared my project progress in different posts.



Sunday, 11 November 2012

Life is like a multiple choice question

Project step # 3

It is said that life is like a multiple choice question. Sometimes it is the choices that confuse you, not the question itself.

This might be true regarding life, but for the teachers the multiple choice questions (MCQ) are blessing in disguise. As soon as I implemented two aforementioned changes like providing summative feedback and making a provision for automated assessment, I surprisingly received a suggestion from the students themselves that instead of writing descriptive questions or writing even answers for short questions, there will be more and more MCQ type quizzes at the end of each unit. This will make it easy for the students to answer the questions after having studied a particular concept in a unit.

In the last days of the week, I made the provision for MCQ quizzes that will assess whether or not a particular concept in a unit is satisfactorily absorbed by the students. It is a recent development and it will be absolutely immature to comment upon it. I waited till 10 pm on Sunday to observe the outcome and on the basis on that I can assume the following threefold perceptible benefits at the end of the teacher as well as the student.

It will make easy and rapid for the students to answer the questions and finish the units.

If they become prompt in finishing the units, they will certainly get the score as soon as they submit their result. They can decide to go ahead if the result is according to their expectations. If not, then they can practice more.

I will be able to see their result as soon as they submit the answers. It will be easy and fast for me as well to offer my feedback.

Let us hope for the best, and I will be able to share more in the next week regarding the long term advantages of these modifications.

Assessment = Not Assassination but Resurrection + Reincarnation

Project step #2

I am facing a student – oriented problem and that is motivating. They have already registered in the course, but they do not feel so much motivated. They do not complete the tasks within expected time frame. Few of them keep on disappearing and suddenly re-emerging after e-mail reminders. I need to do something that keeps them engaged with the course closely. I also wish that they finish the course on time with satisfaction that they  have learnt something.

Many a times, they finish their exercises and send them to me. They have to wait till I assess them and respond with my comments. Instead, there must be some provision for automated assessment wherever possible so that they get the result instantly and proceed further to next tasks.

Action and Result:
The facility of providing the summative feedback led to another requirement and that was automated online assessment.

We use the general term assessment to refer to all those activities undertaken by teachers – and by their students in assessing themselves – that provide information to be used as feedback to modify teaching and learning activities. Such assessment becomes formative assessment when the evidence is actually used to adapt the teaching to meet student needs.

As soon as I started providing them my formative feedback, they also reciprocated in terms of doing the required exercises regularly. I have total 25 students, and it became overwhelming for me to assess all exercises and send them their scores on time.

Immediately, I had to think about making some arrangement in terms of automated online assessment. Except descriptive wiring exercises, now there is a provision that as soon as the students finish their exercise and submit them, their responses will be assessed immediately and automatically. A screen will open and they will be able to see a table in which they find all their answers with an indication of how many answers are right or wrong. If the score is not according to their expectations, then they can retake the exercise and resubmit it. Again, their score will be displayed with how many answers are right and how many are wrong.
Now that they are able to see the score right before their eyes as soon as they submit their exercises, there are two significant changes I have observed during this week.

They seem to be motivated in the terms of finishing the units as soon as possible.  They are exempted from the long confinement of waiting till I myself finish the assessment and send them their scores.

As soon as they submit their answers, they come to know their result. If the result is not according to their expectations, they generally redo that particular unit. In this way, true learning takes place, and the concept gets reinforced in their mind.

Formative feedback is like playing in mother's lap - Project Step # 1


I am facing a student – oriented problem and that is motivation. They have already registered in the course, but they do not feel so much motivated. They do not complete the tasks with expected time frame. Few of them keep on disappearing and suddenly re-emerging after e-mail reminders. I need to do something that keeps them engaged with the course closely. I also wish they finish the course on time with satisfaction that they have learnt something.


I have brain-stormed some solutions to make the course more interactive, collaborative and student-centered. This can definitely help me to inspire, encourage and motivate the learners to learn and finish the course.

Step # 1

I should begin two fold communication channels for feedback. First, the participant would be sending their feedback so that I can have approximation what they actually like or dislike, so that I can modify my strategies accordingly. Simultaneously, there should be some provision to give my feedback on their performance so that I can guide and motivate them to go ahead in the course successfully.

Action and result:

I have made a provision for two fold communication channel. Before, they used to do exercises, send them to me, and the there was a breakage of communication between me and them. Whenever I was able to find some time, I used to assess the exercises and send the result or score to them through e-mails. Between these two points of time, there was a long silence and no communication between the teacher (me) and the stakeholders (students). This was not creating a mutual close bondage or a bridge between us; everything was happening as if it was a formality to finish the exercises and then forget.

However, now we feel that there is some strong solidarity between me and the students. As soon as they send me some exercises, I assess them and send my feedback. This is naturally known as formative feedback, and that has motivated them a lot. There are two advantages that I am enjoying now:

I have become regular in my assessment and also in sending them my formative and constructive feedback.

They have started to receive my feedback and that too on time. I think now they are in the know of what actually is their progress, what they should do in the event of anything going wrong or not according to our expectations, and which strategies they should adopt if they are not able to achieve expected result.

It seems that this provision has definitely motivated them substantially, and both I and they might get good benefits for the remaining course. 

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Enrich Teaching Style with PBL \ WebQuest \ Rubrics

I believe motivating the students to learn anything whether in a brick – and mortar class or in a web based class is always a challenge. Project-based approach always facilitates the process of motivating the students to learn language for a purpose. This methodology truly promotes a sense of belonging in a group or community among classmates. The consequence of developing sense of community and thereby instilling motivation into the students certainly boost the end-product completion.

I try my level best to initiate mini-projects into my language classes whether in India or the Middle East or more so in North America. Students choose their projects after brainstorming among the group members. For instance, in one of my classes they preferred to publish a newspaper which highlights the language learning process, benefits of being multilingual, experience of learning a language as a foreign language or a second language or a third language. When they produce that newspaper using the in-design software it was amazing. Such Project make the language learning process efficient, meaningful, productive, interactive, collaborative and student centred.

Learning and teaching languages by using a project-based approach makes learning enjoyable, absorbing and ever-lasting at school, college or even university level. As a true academician in the 21st century, I have redefined my duty whether in the virtual classroom or in a physical classroom as being the guard of learners’ academic aims and protector of their educational interests. Project Based Learning has genuinely helped me revamp my earlier teaching philosophy from being a theoretical, dogmatic and indoctrinating expert to a modern congenial, co-operative and cohesive facilitator emphasizing the power of interactive and collaborative learning in classroom.

PBL is also useful in providing as much attention as possible to each individual student to deal with the wide variety of styles and strategies that learners unknowingly bring to the class. A variety of techniques and a multiplicity of strategies can be applied through PBL approach to “reach” a maximum number of students through a mixture of group work and individual work strategies.
PBL makes it possible to realize the concept of less teaching and lot more learning in the classroom.
Since long time – almost for 10+  years, I have been hearing the reverberating echoes of the word WebQuest in the teacher fraternity.

However, I did not use it any time before. Neither, I made a detailed study of it. When I went through the following links, I came to know what the real charm of WebQuest is.

When I went through the following link, I realized that what wonders WebQuest can actually make. It gave me a picaresque opportunity of making “A Journey through Canadian Education”.

I liked A WebQuest About WebQuests by Bernie Dodge. It made my perception crystal clear.

Now, I am convinced that WebQuest is a very powerful toll of using the web proficiently in the form of adopting the WebQuest format to create inquiry-oriented lessons. I have a passion for developing the technology enhanced lesson plans, so I liked this tool to fulfill that purpose. To develop great WebQuest, we need to develop a thorough understanding of the rich repertoire of different possibilities open to us through WebQuest if we cherish the desire of creating web-based lessons. I can conclude the one way to get there is to critically analyze a number of WebQuest examples and analyze them from multiple perspectives.
The more transparent the learning objectives and expectations, the greater the likelihood that learners will achieve them. Rubrics are assessment tools that are designed to create transparency and provide guidance that improves learning. Rubrics make any assessment authentic whether summative or formative.
How amazing is this tool named Rubistar! Whenever I developed the rubrics before, it was time consuming and pains talking task. I hated it. However, when I entered the world of Rubristar, all pains disappeared. The whole task of making rubrics seemed to be handy, easy, pleasant and productive.

I just tried to make ready-made rubric for Oral presentation in any Communication course, and within some minutes I was able to make it. I saved it as a temporary rubric.

After that to quench my thirst of further knowledge, I continued my quest. I tried to create another rubric for assessing Argument Essay in a Communication course at college level. I created and modified it according to the criteria which I perceived.

Finally, I embroidered another rubric for Cause and Effect Essay meant for any Communication Course at College level. This time I assembled the significant criteria and categories from all available models at Rubistar, modified them according to my own perception of the rubric for Cause and Effect Essay, and reincarnated it after a number of editing operations, and also made it permanent. I have attached the word document file of this rubric at Wiki.
Rubrics are sleeping pills for me. If I create and attach a rubric with any assessment, I sleep profoundly. Otherwise, college level students are able to force you pass sleepless nights because they might have so many issues with their result or score. It is amazing how much better student’s work has become since I started creating and sharing the assignment rubric with them. Now, they know what is expected, they almost exceed my expectations. 

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Good lessons begin with good planning


Good lessons always begin with good planning. Successful teachers commence with effective and productive lessons.

When I was doing an internship at LINK center as a part of my College Teacher Training Programme, I learnt the specimen outline of developing lesson plans. On the basis of that model, I have developed a lesson plan on Banking. To prepare a detailed lesson plan is always a pains taking and time consuming exercise. I have tried to make this lesson pam:

·         As detailed as possible

·         ICT based
·         Applicable to in-person, hybrid and on-line learning
·         Accommodative of multiple styles
·         Student centered
·         Interactive, Collaborative and productive

If someone else goes in my absence to the class, he/she will be able to understand almost all details without much confusion.


Class issues to be solved with technology

HI all,

This week was heavily loaded. I did retrospection to find out two major problems to be solved out whit the help of innovative use technology for the final project.

As of now, I am teaching a group of thirty students online. Their age varies from 15 to 55.
They are from Asia as well as North America. The group includes:
·         Students
·         Professionals
·         Housewives

The course goal is: To teacher English Communication skills that can help then practically in their daily life.
The student needs are: To improve English communication skills so that they can use them in fulfilling their daily needs, necessities and requirements.

There are two issues or problems that I am currently facing, and technology might help me to solve them.
The first one is student-oriented and that is motivation. They have already registered in the course, but they do not feel so much motivated. They do not complete the tasks within expected time frame. Few of them keep on disappearing and suddenly re-emerging after e-mail reminders. I need to do something that keeps them engaged with the course closely. I also wish that they finish the course on time with satisfaction that they have learnt something.

The second problem is teacher-related and that is tracking student process. Some students are regular, and they do their work regularly. However, I am struggling with the idea that how can I have a complete understanding of their development in learning. How can I measure out that they are really learning something to improve their English communication skills, and how can I have a true estimate at the end of the course that they have e-learnt substantially in this regard?

These two issues can be solved only with the help of use of technology which match with need-driven technology project. This is my need to drive the solution or technology that I choose to use, and not the other way around. I really don’t want the solutions or the tool to be imposed upon the class simply because it is new, exciting or available. On the contrary, I need new technology based solutions to solve these issues. There is a clear reason to use the technology I choose for my project. I hope that this makes my need clear.


Sunday, 21 October 2012

“Can I - TEACH South Africa ?”

I went through the project named TEACH South Africa by Runganayagie Nailini Reddy. The report is quite methodical and systematic.

 It starts with opening remarks which proves to be a precursor to whatever is going to be described and done further in the report.

The background is quite illustrative and informative.  It clearly states who the learners are, their accessibility to e-sources, and their language efficiency, proficiency and exposure.
The virtual setting that offers distance e-support is completely complementary to synchronous and asynchronous leaner-paced environment.

The project has both short term and long term goals. To prepare grade appropriate, thematically integrated, exemplary lesson plans to teach all English language skills accommodating technology-based resources seems to be a real tech-savvy visionary course goal.

The learner needs are many, but some of them are to be addressed. Thematic integration of the four language skills incorporating issues of grammar is an eternal challenge to almost all ESL teachers throughout the world.

The research problem was to determine the impact of the technology-related change implemented to enhance ongoing support to the teachers. This is what all the teachers, teaching in under resourced schools through tech-rich resources, exactly need at the moment.
In the form of possible solutions, the e-teacher planned to set up e-support structures that would interactively offer other teachers a microsystem of distance support that might include synchronous and a synchronous technology tools like e-mail, texting, Skype, internet classroom, websites, etc. 

The Planned Project Program enumerates task number, task description and measure of assessment.

The most appealing fact in this project is that the class is fully virtual, not confined to any brick and mortar building. In addition, the learning can happen anywhere and anytime.  
The researcher believes the learning process is more important than the final product although achieving the intended outcome of the project plan would be the measure of success. This absolutely true in the whole of academic universe.  The anticipated rewards certainly provide the motivation to find solutions for online learning and teaching challenges.
When this e-teacher narrates the resources, I am glad that there is a mention of Instructional Technology. The idea of Five Star Instruction Model is new to me. She has also listed web articles and technology tools to be used.

In Project Plan Timeline the e-teacher has indicated that this project can be a pilot to investigate the feasibility of distance support, and this can be interesting for any online teacher, learner or researcher. In Project Plan Timeline she has given all tasks to be completed in particular weeks, technology to be used and actions to be taken.

Final comments are wise and wisdomful .Over-enthusiasm can blur the researcher’s vision, and over-ambitiousness can delay the progress. However, every e-teacher should try, and perhaps fail, but not fail to try.

Jit Shalin

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Online learning, powered by broadband technology and the other new tools of the Information Age, is making it possible for all human beings to overcome barriers, to access the education they need to succeed, to step inside online classrooms, to learn from top teachers, and to improve one’s life and achieve our personal ambitions as a fundamental dream in the 21st Century.
Online education by higher education is part of a much larger whole in which the expectations, quality, communities, and content of online delivery are affected by the actions of approximately 100 million people who now make up the Internet world. It would appear, then, that student interactions with professors can be meaningful either in person or online. The medium does not determine the outcome; rather, the quality of interaction depends on how the medium is used. Moreover, technology may allow instructors to tailor education to the individual in a way that would not be possible in a traditional classroom.

One of my online publications seems to be precursor of whatever I have been learning in this course so far. Therefore, I thought it to be proper to share it with my e-mates of this course. All comments or suggestions are highly appreciated, and they will sure contribute in modifying and moulding my online teaching philosophy.

Friday, 19 October 2012

This week I have learnt a very good handy and useful tool to be used to store and share links.  I will certainly use this tool for my online teaching and in-class hybrid teaching. I would recommend it to my students as well to share links with me instead of sending them to me through e-mail. These links can prove to be very useful when we need to make lesson plans or when we have to improvise in our actual classroom teaching if the students raise sudden queries or doubts at any particular point of time.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Research paper on multiple learning styles of online learners.

When I was doing my internship as a part of College Teacher Training Program at George Brown College, Toronto, I published a research paper. This paper highlights a field trial of an online course as an integral part of my PhD research. When I initiated the trial, I faced a lot of problems as a facilitator. The participants were not participating enthusiastically. As a consequence, I had to find some modus operandi to make the course more interactive, collaborative and interesting. As the first and foremost strategy for this, I decided to accommodate various learning styles of the learners. On the basis of my extensive academic experience, I modified the content and included more interactive and collaborative activities that can address and embrace most of the learning styles. As a result, I was able to run the field trial successfully, and the participants felt motivated to start and finish the course. I have tried to include the findings and conclusions which I inferred on the basis of this practical research experience. My findings were substantiated by academic scholar’s views and opinions regarding multiple learning styles. I thought to share this paper with my e-mates as it is regarding accommodation of multiple learning styles of online learners. I would appreciate if I receive some feedback on it. However, I request you to disregard the first introduction because the publishers published it by mistake. Please continue from the second introduction.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

“You can never be overdressed or overeducated.” 
― Oscar Wilde

A quote by Mahatma Gandhi

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” 
― Mahatma Gandhi